
Dienstag, 13. März 2018

I want to be a cool mom

I know everybody has probably heard this sentence somewhere before, weather while watching Mean Girls or KUWTK or even said it themselves.
But I mean it. Certainly, someone has said this before me, as well.
So this is basically just a monologue about the things I want to and will do differently from the things my parents did or I've seen elsewhere.
I have been thinking about this topic so many times and finally, I put my thoughts together to share them an hopefully look back on them in the future to see many of them fulfilled.

First of all, I will have a lot of children. Currently, I'm thinking about four or rather five. I know this sounds like a lot but I always feel more at home when I'm visiting the house of a large family. I think, every individual person in the family brings another range of colours with them and makes the place richer and more comfortable.

Second of all, I will have a lot of pets. I'm talking cats and dogs, birds and whatnot and just a large number of them in general. I will be one these moms that rescue stray squirrels and birds and jazz them up again together with their kids.
From what I've seen I can tell that having a variety of pets during your childhood makes you a nicer human being. Maybe the unconditional love and openness towards everybody that an animal like e.g. a dog brings with it reflects on them.

Speaking of. Kindness and openness towards everybody, compation, braveness, courtesy, all while keeping the obvious morals in mind are the things I value most in prospect of child raising.

Now just some things that came to my mind while thinking about this:
I will let them decide over their outward appearance.
I will teach them to listen carefully and mind others' feelings.
I will teach them to be the best friend they can be and always be there for a person in need.
I will teach them that you should think of others first but to know the times where they are the most important person in the world.
I will support them als long as I can so that they are able to pursue their dreams.
I will teach them to stand on their own feet and how important it is to not take money for granted.
I will build an honest realtionship with them and teach them that they can share everything with me.
I will share my own stories and mistakes and experiences.
I want to be able to talk openly about every little thing that concernes them and makes them happy.

So yes, I will be a cool mom.

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Ich habe Angst

Das ist bei mir eigentlich nichts Neues. Ich habe ständig Angst. Sei es vor der ungeklärten Frage, ob die Milch, die ich eben getrunken habe...